Common Ground has a thirteen member Board of Directors, all of whom are appointed by the CTI Board, consisting of CTI Board Members, CTI Staff Members including the Chief Executive Officer, and members of the Merrimack Valley community with pertinent areas of expertise. The Director of Common Ground is charged with the general oversight of the housing and property management activities as well as the overall development process. Consultants are hired on an as-needed basis to handle individual project oversight or specific functions. CTI has assigned 50% of the time of the Senior Administrative Coordinator to help with administration and 10% of the time of its CFO to deal with accounting issues. Common Ground contracts with Peabody Properties, Inc. to manage the rental units it develops and owns.

The CTI Board appoints all CGDC members at its Annual Meeting in October.

At least three seats are reserved for CTI Board Members, Other seats are filled with members who have expertise in areas such as finance, housing development, low-income issues, property management and community planning and development.

The CGDC Board then meets and elects Officers.

Board Members

Glenn Goldman

Lowell Five; CTI Board Past President; CTI Board Executive Committee Member

Carl Howell 

Vice President
Community Teamwork, Inc., Chief Program Officer

Cathy Mercado

Executive Director, Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership

James Hogan

President & CEO, Washington Savings Bank; CTI Board Executive Committee Member

Germaine Vigeant-Trudel

Assistant Director, LDFC, CTI Board Treasurer; CTI Executive Committee Member

Marie Sweeney

CTI Board Executive Committee Member

Karen Frederick

Community Teamwork, Inc. Chief Executive Officer

Doug Deschenes

Finneran & Nicholson, PC, Newburyport

Chris Hayes

Housing & Economic Development Planner

Tim Hirbour

Enterprise Bank/ Commercial Lending Officer

Jay V. Lee

Gallagher & Cavanaugh, Lowell, MA

Anthony Nganga

Studio 26 Associates

Laura Watts

Chief Admissions Officer, Lowell Housing Authority