grand opening
grand opening

Grow Your Business

grand opening scaledHere at the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center (MVSBC), we offer a variety of business development services to help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS. We can help you develop a marketing plan, improve your financial situation, prepare to apply for a business loan, and more!

Step 1

Complete make an appointment to meet one-on-one with an MVSBC counselor. At this meeting, you will talk with your counselor about your business, challenges and goals, learn more about MVSBC membership and develop an Action Plan to help you achieve your goals.

Step 2

Become a member of the MVSBC and work with a counselor to take advantage of our business development services and develop an Action Plan to help you achieve your goals.

Your counselor may recommend that you enroll in our 6-week training program Financial Tune UP Boot Camp (FTUBC). FTUBC helps you build your financial literacy skills and improve your financial situation. Features of this 6-week program are:

  • 6 classes will teach you how to budget, track cash, pay down debt, build credit and save for the future.
  • Financial coaching to help you prepare a budget, review your credit report and develop a plan to improve your financial situation.

Step 3

Use your Action Plan as a guide to help you take steps to improve your business. Continue to network with other MVSBC members through monthly networking events and peer networking groups to share best practices and troubleshoot. Your MVSBC counselor will also be checking-in with you to see how things are going and help you achieve your goals!

Learn more about solutions for Finances & Business or go to the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center website.

mvsbc logo
mvsbc logo

Start a Business


Unique You ribbon cutting scaledHave you dreamed of starting your own business?

Do you have an idea but aren’t sure where to start?

We can help!

Here at the Merrimack Valley Small Business Center (MVSBC), we can help you evaluate your readiness to start a business, determine the feasibility of your business idea, and help you develop a plan to START YOUR BUSINESS!

Step 1

First, attend our orientation seminar Are You READY… to Start a Business? In this seminar, you will learn more about MVSBC services and about what is involved in starting and running a business.

Step 2

Think you’re ready? If so, make an appointment to meet one-on-one with an MVSBC counselor. At this meeting, you will talk with your counselor about your business idea, your readiness to start a business and learn more about MVSBC membership.

Step 3

Become a member of the MVSBC and work with a counselor to take advantage of our business development services and develop an Action Plan to help you achieve your goals.

home depot
home depot

CTI YouthBuild of Greater Lowell

Listen to Tim Caldwell, Clinical Case Manager at YouthBuild, discuss the program and the upcoming new cohort about to begin.

CTI YouthBuild is a program for young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who have dropped out of school and are ready to embrace a second chance to receive educational and vocational training to achieve success

Serving young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who have dropped out of high school and   who reside in Lowell and its surrounding towns.

Services include: G.E.D. preparation, vocational training, one on one case management, leadership development, life skills training, and career and academic coaching

YouthBuild provides education and employment training to  prepare youth for careers in construction and healthcare.  We help students identify their career and educational interests, develop an Individualized Employment Plan (IEP), and support them to achieve their goals. All participants have access to the core program components as well as participation in specialized occupational skills training according to their individual interests and capacities.  The primary components of our training for out-of-school youth include:

Education – GED preparation, computer literacy, financial literacy, life-skills and post-secondary school transition program.

Career Development– On-going employment readiness classes, specialized workshops, job shadowing and on-the-job training through employer partner internships.

Case management and counseling – Comprehensive, goal-oriented case management focused on placement in higher-education, advanced technical training or employment.  Support services to address personal challenges such as substance abuse, mental health issues, housing, childcare, and relationship needs.

Graduate Services – Placement assistance, job retention services, and tracking one year after program completion. Continued opportunities for community service, leadership development, and career development services.

Construction- YouthBuild students may choose to learn carpentry and construction skills while they work together to create affordable housing in their community. In addition to hands-on training, YouthBuild students have the opportunity to complete a comprehensive vocational curriculum leading to a certificate valuable to graduates entering the construction trades.

NEW – Culinary Program – Our culinary arts instruction will begin with the food handlers program. The source of our food handler’s curriculum is the Serv Safe food handler program. Our supervising chef is a certified instructor and will be instructing the course to our young adults. further, once students attain their food handler’s certification (serv safe), we will begin our culinary arts instruction using ACFEF’s Culinary Fundamentals program. Through this program, our students will learn basic culinary knowledge and gain practical experience. Through our culinary arts employer and community partners, students are provided internships and job shadowing opportunities throughout the course of the program. Thus far, we have secured internship placements with UMass Conference Inn Center and continue to outreach to other local restaurants. All students will be supported and supervised by our supervising chef.

Leadership Development- One of the most important parts of the YouthBuild program is Leadership Development. By building affordable housing, participating in community service projects, building awareness of issues that affect their community and achieving goals, students graduate with skills and experience that build their self-confidence, enabling them to become leaders within their community. Leadership development opportunities are built into each program component. Students may also participate on the YouthBuild Policy Committee where issues regarding program decisions are made.

Find out more. 

Listen to David Tierney from WUML’s “Thinking Out Loud” interview Rafael Santana, YouthBuild Construction Trainer, as Rafael discusses his wonderful story and journey with YouthBuild. What a role model!  (August 7, 2017)

Watch the interview by Thinking Out Loud TV host, Gloria Polites. Guests are Rafael Santana, YouthBuild Trainer and Jasmine Delgado, YouthBuild Trainee.  (August 2017)


YouthBuild students and staff during the annual Massachusetts Coalition Carpentry challenge