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Community Teamwork awarded $100,000 Cummings Grant

Lowell Nonprofit receives 3 years of funding from Cummings Foundation Lowell, May 27, 2021 – Community Teamwork is one of 140 local nonprofits to receive grants of $100,000 to $500,000 […]


Rock n’ Roll for the Homeless

3rd Annual Mayor’s Rock n’ Roll Holiday Fest for Youth Homelessness State Sen. Ed Kennedy, front left, hangs out with his posse at the event he founded. By Dacey Zouzas, […]


Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) An Interview with Diego Leonardo

Executive Director/ Latinx Community Center for Empowerment – I’m really proud of the
visibility work we are doing to the Latinx Community, bringing light to immigrant issues,
breaking the language barrier to blue collar workers, collecting oral history of Latino
leaders to change the narrative about latinos, civic engagement, and celebration of culture
with the Lowell Hispanic & Latinx Festival.


Mes de la Herencia Hispana (15/9-15/10) Una Entrevista con Diego Leonardo

Director Ejecutivo / Centro de Empoderamiento de la Comunidad Latinx – Estoy realmente orgulloso del trabajo de visibilidad que estamos haciendo para la Comunidad Latinx, arrojando luz sobre los problemas de los inmigrantes, rompiendo la barrera del idioma para los trabajadores de
cuello azul, recopilando la historia oral de líderes latinos para cambiar la narrativa sobre los latinos, el compromiso cívico y la celebración de la cultura con el Festival Hispano y Latinx de Lowell.


Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) An Interview with Maria Aybar

My name is Maria Aybar, and I am the Director of Operations and helped found the Latinx Community Center for Empowerment (LCCE). A nonprofit seeking to empower the Latinx Community through education to promote their socioeconomic development. Besides my role directing some of our programs, I am also a board member for Do It Yourself (DIY) Lowell, Middlesex Community College Alumni Board, the Greely Peace Scholars at UMASS Lowell, and the Community Development Block Grant Funding Advisory Committee.