two men shaking hands
two men shaking hands

Saving Energy — Keeping Seniors Warm

Roger B. lost his wife last year. In addition to facing the grief of losing his life partner, Roger had to cope with a significantly reduced income. He struggled through one relatively mild winter, juggling bills the best he could but it was difficult. How would he be able to afford a truly cold winter? As uncomfortable as it was to ask for help, he reached out to Community Teamwork’s Weatherization Program. Our staff were able to complete weatherization upgrades and boiler repairs, as well as provide him with an energy efficient refrigerator and compact fluorescent light bulbs. Roger will be warm this winter and his fixed income will go further. He is also using less energy. A win all around!

Heating System Weatherization Repair and Replacement Program
Heating System Weatherization Repair and Replacement Program

Heating System Weatherization Repair and Replacement Program (HEARTWAP)