Billerica bathroom after
Billerica bathroom after

Accessible Bathroom Installation in Westford


Billerica bathroom before


Billerica bathroom after

Alice is a wheelchair bound 11-year old with neurological and seizure disorders caused by a brain tumor.  Alice’s family came to CTI for assistance to install an accessible bathroom and replace carpeting with laminate flooring. With an interest free loan from the Home Modification Loan Program Alice’s parents were able to modify their home to make it safe and accessible for her. Check out the before and after photos:

Westford bathroom after
Westford bathroom after

Accessible Bathroom Installation in Billerica


Westford bathroom before


Westford bathroom after

Robert is a 63-year old man with limited mobility due to Multiple Sclerosis.  Robert and his wife came to CTI for assistance to install an accessible bathroom and relocate their laundry area. With an interest free loan from the Home Modification Loan Program Robert was able to modify his home to make it safe and accessible for him. Looks at these before and after photos:


Separate Living Space Built in Haverhill

Before After Taylor is 26 years old and has multiple disabilities. Tina Magilio and her boyfriend Shawn worked with Community Teamwork’s Catherine Tammany, HMLP Coordinator and obtained a $50,000 HMLP loan to create a separate living space or attached accessory dwelling unit in their basement for Tina’s daughter Taylor. This separate living space gives Taylor the ability to strengthen her life skills and create a space that is uniquely hers.

elderly woman
elderly woman

Home Modification Loans