Tag Archive for: lowell

people working together
people working together

“There are opportunities up here.” Downtown Lowell draws a melting pot of entrepreneurs AND Lowell is making a comeback

Two articles appeared in the Boston Globe about the growth in small business in Lowell. Congratulations to the
Entrepreneurship Center at Community Teamwork for their efforts in helping to make this happen!
September 29, 2021
“There are opportunities up here.” Downtown Lowell draws a melting pot of entrepreneurs
Lowell is making a comeback – The former industrial city’s efforts have stalled in the past, but this time the push has momentum and money behind it

Community Teamwork Launches Needs Assessment Survey ~ Available online/in print through February 2020

By NICOLE DEFEUDIS | ndefeudis@lowellsun.com | Lowell Sun

PUBLISHED: January 5, 2020 at 3:09 pm | UPDATED: January 5, 2020 at 3:13 pm

LOWELL — Starting Tuesday, Community Teamwork will once again collect responses from those in Lowell and neighboring towns on issues surrounding poverty.

The community action agency conducts a Community Needs Assessment every three years to guide its programs and services. The last survey, conducted in 2018, spurred two summits and a city task force to address youth homelessness.

This year, CTI hopes to more than triple participation in the survey.

“We have the resources to respond to the needs (of the communities), but we need to know what they are,” CTI Director of Development and Marketing Kathleen Plath said.

Most questions are multiple choice, with the exception of one open-ended response. Community members can submit the survey anonymously, Plath said.

After collecting responses, CTI will compile and analyze the data to form a Community Assessment Report and Strategic Plan, which will be published and released to the public.

“We really use this as a way to really engage the whole community and share what we’re seeing as some of the needs,” Plath said.

CTI will collect responses from those in Lowell, Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro and Westford.

The agency hopes to achieve as much diversity as possible in the responses, Plath explained. The survey can be accessed online in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Print versions are available in each of those languages, as well as Khmer.

Grants Coordinator Miranda Allan urges those from all participating communities to take the survey.

“What poverty looks like Lowell might be really different to what it look like in Westford, for example,” she said.

Those who complete the survey have the option to enter a raffle for a $100 Visa gift card.

“It’s important at this stage of the game that we get as much feedback … as possible,” Plath said.

The survey can be found at commteam.org. CTI will also disperse print versions to local libraries and municipal buildings.

Organizations that wish to receive print copies can contact Miranda Allan at MAllan@commteam.org.







earth day
earth day

Celebrate Earth Day Today and Everyday

April 22nd is Earth Day! Below is a list of all sorts of things you can do to make a difference on the planet, in your own lives, and for your loved ones.

Eat local
–  Commercially grown produce travels far distances equaling lots of fuel burned and fewer nutrients for you.
–  Grow your own produce when possible.
–  Shop local farmers markets. Lowell’s will open this summer at the Lucy Larcom Park.  See this listing of those in surrounding towns.

Go organic
–  Non organic produce is grown using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, ect. Organic animals do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.
–  Remember: non organic produce is always better than no produce! Check out this list of organic foods to try.

Be a chef
–  When you cook your own meals and eat at home you are reducing consumption of packaging and plastic cutlery. Try a new recipe.

Try to eat less meat
–  Eating more plant based food is good for the environment, healthy for you and cheaper!
–  Start by going meatless on Mondays.

Re-useable water bottles
–  Oil is required to make bottled water and we barely recycle them leading to clogging of landfills.
–  Carry a reusable bottle and refill it.

Enjoy nature
–  Pass up the drive thru and plan a picnic, turn off the TV and go for a family hike, skip the coffee date and go for walk together.

Rebecca Foulkes, BS, CLC
Program Nutritionist
Lowell WIC Program
Community Teamwork