Puzzle Piece - Community

Policy, Advocacy and Partnerships are the approaches used by the ROD Center to support the community we serve in a holistic and just manner. In providing care for the community, the ROD Center staff will support initiatives that focus on the internal and external community.

Leadership and Program Consultation

Leadership and program consultation will use a clinical lens to ensure inclusivity and equitability for children, their families and the workforce in all program initiatives.

Consultation will:

  • Provide mental health expertise for leaders developing, establishing and updating policy within programs.
  • Support programs with planning and development opportunities that enhance programming and services.
  • Provide guidance for advocacy in support of mental health and disabilities issues and initiatives for children and their families.
  • Make recommendations on the suitability of program curricula, including learning environment and materials.

Consultation on this level influences the internal community, by providing mental health and disability expertise to the policy and advocacy efforts at Community Teamwork.

Grant Writing

Grant writing is an important part of ensuring that our work is consistent and meaningful for all involved. Consultants will guide leadership in the development of grant submissions with a strong mental health and inclusion perspective.


Advocacy, as an act of influence, can be utilized for individuals and organizations. Consultants will help families, children and providers to advocate for their personal needs and desires throughout the consultation process. Likewise, as an organization, we can leverage legislative advocacy to assure that we are meeting the expectation of our vision statement.