Puzzle Piece - Provider

Consultation for developing our workforce is focused on building the competency, skill and mindfulness of program providers. Consultants will collaborate with program providers, creating workforce development opportunities for the educators and support staff working with the child.

Classroom and Provider Consultation

Consultation will:

  • Conduct and train Early Learning and Family Childcare providers on hosting social skills groups for children struggling to engage with peers, teachers and their environment.
  • Conduct and train School Age providers on hosting restorative circles as a tool to build and restore relationships through equal opportunity for sharing and listening.
  • Provide clinical reflection with providers; for example, if a traumatic incident occurs.
  • Provide psychoeducation, evidence-based strategies, early identification of concerns, recommendations and plans for targeted social emotional support and learning environment accommodations.
  • Provide thoughtful professional development opportunities that sustain alignment and thoughtful application of frameworks for behavioral health and development.

Workforce and Professional Development

Consultants will aid the Division of Child and Family Services programs with workforce development by conducting professional development training. Training can be program or situation specific and will aim to increase provider competency. Some examples of training topics include reflective supervision, Pyramid Model, PBIS, trauma informed care, mental health diagnoses, and how to create an inclusive classroom environment.